Have we said lately how awesome our London families are? Thank you to our AMAZING families for responding to our request yesterday for getting to school before we begin at 7:55 and for being patient with our teachers as they respond to questions and requests! We appreciate your partnership! When we work together, our Tigers get the best education possible at London! We love our Tiger families!
over 4 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Thank you!
Per Athletic Director, Mr. Johnny Johnson: Tomorrow's (9.10.20) volleyball game against Greenbrier has been rescheduled for Monday, Sept. 21st. *For more information contact the athletic office at 479.964.2411.
over 4 years ago, Russellville School District
Thank you so much for trusting us as we have navigated the beginning of the year in a new way.  We appreciate your kind words, positivity, and your willingness to follow our procedures...especially during dismissal!   Here is how we need your help...The bell rings for school to begin at 7:55.  With our new morning procedures, when students arrive right at 7:55 it causes them to be late for class by the time they sanitize, get their temperature taken, and hang up their backpack.  Beginning tomorrow, we will have a sign out front to remind you to come in if Mrs. Steffy and I have already come inside and our front doors are closed.  You will need to walk your child in and sign them in for the day.  If our front doors are closed, students cannot come in alone.Secondly, please be patient with your child's teacher when you contact them during the day.  Each teacher has sent out specific office hours where they can be contacted and you will get a response within 10 minutes.  Our teachers will still respond if you contact them outside of their office hours, but the response will not be immediate and could take up to 24 hours.  That is because they are teaching onsite students, preparing materials for lessons, or in meetings.  If you have an urgent need or question for the teacher, contacting them during their office hours is best.   Thank you in advance for helping us with these two procedures.  The partnership we have with our families is one of the many things that makes London Elementary so great!  
over 4 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
help with procedures
Exciting news!....ALL of our Tigers will receive free breakfast AND lunch from August 31st to December 31st! Even with this announcement, we need our Tigers families to complete the free and reduced lunch application if you haven't already! https://family.titank12.com/
over 4 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
The AR department of Health has published "The Kids guide to the Coronavirus." A great read to begin conversations with your family. http://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/public/userfiles/Communications/COVID-19%20Information/The_Kids_Guide_to_the_Coronavirus_Arkansas.pdf
over 4 years ago, Russellville School District
Rain doesn’t dampen the fun in PE with Coach Mo! Our active Tigers are dancing, skipping, galloping, running, and stretching their muscles!
over 4 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Here's a Tech Tip for our Tiger families... With our Tigers spending time online, it is important for them to know how to be safe and responsible. Watch this video together with your Tiger on how to be a good digital citizen! https://live.myvrspot.com/iframe?v=fM2FiNjI4OGE3ZDYyMDljMTdmYTdhM2E4MzQ1MjZjMzk
over 4 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
We love our Tiger scientists! Our fourth graders used observation skills and practiced collaborating in partner groups with dry ice experiments this week!
over 4 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Dry ice experiment
Dry ice experiment
Dry ice experiment
Dry ice experiment
A great reminder from Nurse Colleen!
over 4 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
How to wear a mask
Russellville School District plans to deliver information weekly on COVID-19 updates on Friday. The first announcement will be this Friday, August 28, 2020. - RJ
over 4 years ago, Russellville School District
COVID-19 Updates
Information for this year's student food backpack program is below. If your child is in need of this program, please choose one of the two options by Friday afternoon.
over 4 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
2020-21 backpack program
Dear Tiger Family, We have learned that a member of our school family has tested positive for COVID-19. This person was on campus on Monday and Tuesday , August 24th and 25th. This positive case has caused several students and two adults to quarantine for up to 14 days because it was determined that they were probable close contacts. A probable close contact is someone who was within six feet for 15 or more cumulative minutes of a known positive. Russellville School District is following the guidance and protocols of the Arkansas Dept. of Health. At this time, no school or classroom closures are necessary. We understand this may cause anxiousness for you and your family and we regret any hardship. Please feel free to contact me at 479-293-4241 if you would like to discuss this further. Sincerely, Krista Malin London Elementary Principal
over 4 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
School Board Agenda for called meeting is posted on our website! Follow link: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/883869/2020_08_26_Called_Agenda.pdf
over 4 years ago, Russellville School District
Here is what is being served in the Tiger Cafe in August and September! Have you created an account online? You can do that at family.titank12.com Once you have an account, you can keep up with your child's balance, set it for low balance notifications, and pay online. You can also apply for free or reduced lunch prices at this website too. Your child will be charged and will have to pay full price until approved for free or reduced lunch. Breakfast is free for every student and is served each morning in the classroom. Lunch prices for Full Paid: $2.90/day or $14.50/week Lunch Prices for Reduced: $0.40/day or $2.00/week Milk Prices for all Students: $.50 each or $2.50/week Send lunch money to school in an envelope with your child's name on it so that we can credit it to the right account.
over 4 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Breakfast menu
Lunch menu
A special friend joined us today to help show you our arrival and dismissal procedures for this year! Gather up your little Tiger and watch this video together on our London Elementary Facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/londonelementary/videos/1442110519509787/
over 4 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Nurse Colleen will be available at the school for parents to check-in medication for this school year on Thursday 9:00 to 3:00 and Friday 11:00-3:00. Due to visitor restrictions, we need all medication brought to school prior to the first day. If you have any medical concerns or questions, call Nurse Colleen in our school office. 479-293-4241
over 4 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Medication Drop Off
Popsicles and Pick up tags with the Principal is tomorrow night (Thursday August 13) from 6:00-7:30pm at London Elementary. Pull through the school drive. Your child gets a popsicle, and parents get pick up tags for this year! Every child needs a pick up tag even if they are a bus rider.
over 4 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Now available to Parents: 'Google Classroom Support Page for Parents' found on our website, under 'Back to School' information. Class code may be found on our website, and Parents must use a Gmail account to join.
over 4 years ago, Russellville School District
Google Classroom Parent Support
Join Mrs. Malin the night before school begins for a bedtime story on Facebook Live August 23rd at 7pm.
over 4 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Bedtime story with Mrs. Malin
Device pickup for Option B and C students will be August 20th from 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
over 4 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Device pickup for Option B and C